About Us
Leadershipandsport.com was formed in 2019 and was re-branded from Findacoachingcourse.com. Findacoachingcourse.com was set up in 2013 and aimed to provide support for people who wanted to become a sports coach. We have expanded on our previous content to cater for all sports coaches and leaders.
Leadershipandsport.com has thousands of people following us on social media. We want to continue to grow and further support sports coaches and leaders through our new articles, resources and news.
Our Aim and Vision
Leadershipandsport.com aims to provide reliable and trustworthy resources for all those involved in sports and leadership.
The information within this website is built from our 22 years experience in education and sports coaching. Along with a bachelor degree in Sports & Exercise Sciences and a Masters degree in Teaching & Learning.
Using research and discussions with other coaches, Leadershipandsport.com aspires to be a familiar name within the coaching community. We will continue to share our knowledge and resources with other coaches.
You can view our A-Z of pages here.
Let us know what you think
If you want to share any resources or contribute to our community please contact us here.
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